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What is a Valuation Method?

Valuation is the analytical process of determining the current (or projected) worth of an asset or a company.

More about Valuation (Investopedia)

Searching for a Company

You can search for a company of choice and view its Financial Status. Let's search for The Coca-Cola Company.

  1. Head to Home page or Company Search page.

  2. In the search box type the name of the company (For example "KO" or "coca-cola") and it should display a results table.

  3. Go ahead and select the company with ticker "KO".

We can see the price details of Coca-Cola (current price, daily change, %) in the top card. By default, the Summary tab is shown.

Financial Statements (Income/Balance Sheet/Cash Flow)

Each page contains a table that displays the respective Financial Statements. Please note that the reports might not be 100% accurate, so to be absolutely sure of the values provided, please check the Link to Report filing, there is a row at the top of each table.

More about Financial Statements (Investopedia)

The Valuation Tab

This is where we can apply our Valuation Methods. Let's apply the default Dividend Discount Model to see how this works. In order to apply valuations you need an account. If you don't have one, you can create it here.

  1. Head to the Valuation Tab of KO (Coca-Cola).
  2. Click "Select Valuation" and choose Dividend Discount Model (under Default Valuations).
  3. Next, the Valuation is run and the application loads some new sections.
  4. The Values Section displays Single element values. For example, it displays the Calculated Value of the Stock and compares it with the Current Price to determine if the Stock is Undervalued/Overvalued.
  5. The Charts Section plots multiple values. For example, a table containing 10 years of historic dividends and 10 years of projected dividends has been plotted to visualize the expected growth.
  6. You can click on the top button on the right "Show Code" to see the actual Code that is being run.